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A few Small Spaces Updates And Many Suggestions With Higher Priority

Just now I saw one Live Spaces “一衰烟雨任平生” and the latest entry, entitled “Live Spaces更新:支持IM ControlSkyDrive代码”. This entry showed us a few small spaces updates on May 1st.

The primary change in this release was that we can now include Messenger for the web as well as SkyDrive files in the Custom HTML module using embed codes.  

In addition, some changes are also made to the infrastructure of Spaces to make the service faster and more reliable.

PS: Let’s look at the mean idea of this update expressed in Chinese in detail as follows.

Live Spaces五月一日进行了少量更新,最主要的就是支持了Messenger IM ControlSkyDrive的嵌入html代码



目前所知的可以添加到Live Spacesiframe嵌入代码有

1、Live Messenger IM Control的嵌入代码

2、Live Skydrive的嵌入代码


非上述来源的iframe嵌入代码在Live Spaces中都会被过滤掉

(Thanks to rpsh, the Chinese version comes from his blog. This is the entry address: http://myrpsh.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!10BEB08F8F3CBC84!12241.entry)

Then I went to the official spaces team blog, seeing the entry of these updates. And I found many other suggestions in the comments list. Some of the suggestions are more important for us users. For example, the biggest issue the Windows Live Spaces service has is the lack of comment functionality. Every other blog site that I know of shows the number of entries made in a particular month next to the month itself. When will Spaces introduce this feature? All the minor changes this time are nice. But the above suggestions should get the highest priority.


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