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Torch Relay In Jixi And Huangshan Today

President Hu Jintao’s hometown of Jixi in Anhui Province became the setting for the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay this morning. Jixi is the only county-level stop on the Torch Relay in the Chinese mainland. You can see the news on QQ news page “火炬在胡锦涛主席故乡绩溪传递 丁俊晖第一棒”. Residents of Huangshan came out to see the Olympic Flame in their scenic city today. The relay in Huangshan began at 2:00 p.m. Each of the 120 torchbearers along the route carried the flame about 77 meters. The next stop for the sacred flame is the city of Wuhan in Hubei Province. You can see the news on QQ news page “奥运圣火在安徽黄山传递 每名火炬手传递75米”.

Huangshan is my hometown and I am proud of it. It is the doubled cultural and natural heritage entitled by UNESCO in 1990. With graceful waterways dotting the landscape, Huangshan is picture-perfect. Huangshan’s surroundings enforce the magnificence of the mountain backdrop; with the glorious Taiping Lake which is called “the lover of Mountain Huang” and located in Huangshan District, adding to the peaceful atmosphere.

Numerous poems have been written about Huangshan, inspired by the area’s natural beauty. For example, it is said as in Chinese “一生痴绝处,无梦到徽州”. Xu Xiake, a famous tourist living in Ming Dynasty said in Chinese: “薄海内外无如徽之黄山,登黄山,天下无山,观止矣”! As the Xin’an River, There is one popular poem written by Libai, a famous poet living in Tang Dynasty in Chinese: “清溪似我心,水色异诸水,借向新安江,见底何如此?人行明镜中,鸟度屏风里”. We can see the charm of the Xi’an River obviously.


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