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Uploading Some Class Teaching Resources I Mentioned Before

I remember I have written an entry about some hydraulic pressure resources that I possess. That entry is “我手头还有的一些液压专业资料清单”. The fourth, I upload some class teaching resources I mentioned in that entry. And others might be uploaded in the following time. Each time when I upload some of them, I might update that entry and add the link to the new entry where you can download them.

Here is the content of the class teaching resources. If you need any of them, you can download them from the following links.




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0 Replies to “Uploading Some Class Teaching Resources I Mentioned Before”

  1. 谢谢啊,我是做塑料吹瓶机械的,采用的都是液压控制系统,下了几篇有用的,网上根本找不到这方面的免费专业书籍,都要MONEY,哎,万不得已,还得花大笔银子去书店买。

  2. @小梅很高兴看到您的留言。您说的没错,的确这方面的免费资料是很少的啦。至于您提到的专业书籍,您要是指的是教材的话,或许还是会有一些的,比如说是一些教材的pdf格式的,或者就是看看超星图书里面有没有。我觉得应该是有一些的,超星里面的电子书还是有不少的。我倒是觉得即便是有了电子版的,可看起来还是很费劲的啦,最好还是有纸质的比较好,那就像您说的得花费money啦! 另外,怕您看不到我的留言,还给您发了个人消息。谢谢您对我的空间的关心和支持!


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