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I’d Like To See Chrome OS Launching Later This Month

Last week I saw one piece of news on a RSS of one technique blog. “Google-branded Chrome OS smartbook launching this month?” Here is the total content of this entry.

If the damp blanket of leaves warming the ground is any indicator, then we’d say that fall has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere. That means Google’s Chrome OS is due. What better time for DigiTimes to cite sources from “component players” claiming that the first smartbooks featuring Google’s other operating system will launch later this month. According to the Taiwanese rumor rag, Google will follow its Nexus One strategy and be first from the gate with the launch of a self-branded Chrome OS notebook manufactured by Inventec — the ARM-based machine will not be sold through normal retail channels and is expectated to ship a very modest 60,000 to 70,000 units. Acer and HP are then rumored to be launching Quanta-manufactured Chrome OS gear as early as December while ASUS waits to gauge market reaction. Of course, if all of this is true then we should be getting a Google event press invite right about, well, now.

Of course this kind of news can be found in Chinese reports. Here is one example. “传首款Chrome OS 设备本月底上市”.

关于Chrome OS设备的上市又有了新的消息,来自多家国外媒体的报道称首款搭载Chrome OS操作系统的设备将于本月底上市,而且很可能像Google牌手机一样,最初只在Google官方网站上进行销售。


据悉,Chrome OS设备预计将基于ARM处理器,并搭配基于Flash闪存,因为这样不仅仅可以保证速度,还不至于让设备很沉重。

去年Google宣布他们与包括Acer, Asus, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba以及Dell在内的多家厂商合作开发Chrome OS设备,现在还不清楚首款Chrome OS设备到底会出自哪家厂商。

I have been concerned with chrome OS for one year. You know many unofficial versions of such cloud OS have been shown for many months. But I prefer using the official version after all I am a preliminary user for such Linux and open source OS. I wish it comes out earlier so I can try to use and experience earlier.

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