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An Introduction to Office Ergonomics

What is Office Ergonomics?

Office ergonomics is the application of ergonomics on office environment. The goal of office ergonomics is to set up your office work space so that it fits you and the job you are doing.

Office ergonomics can help you be more comfortable at work. It can help lower stress and injury caused by awkward positions and repetitive tasks. It focuses on how things are set up in your office work space, such as:

-Your workstation set-up, how you sit, and how long you stay in one position.

-How you do a certain task, the kinds of movements you make, and whether you make the same movements over and over.

-Your work area, including light, noise, and temperature.

-The tools you use to do your job and whether they are set up to fit your needs.

When your workstation is set up right, you may:

-Be less likely to have problems such as headaches or eye strain.

-Reduce neck and back pain.

-Prevent bursitis or tendon problems that are linked to doing the same task over and over (repetitive tasks).

The Importance of Ergonomics in the Office

Reduces Costs – By investing in office ergonomic strategies, you reduce ergonomic risk factors like MSDs. MSDs are musculoskeletal disorders that occur due to movement repetition or poor posture. About one-third of workers compensation are paid to cases of MSD. Reduce these costs. Invest in ergonomic office chairs.

Boosts Productivity – Office ergonomics boosts productivity. Designing a workspace that promotes good posture, less repetitive motions, easier heights and reaches, and less exertion nurtures a more efficient work process. More efficiency equals more productivity.

Work Quality – Poor office ergonomics leads to tired and easily irritated workers that cannot do their best work. The best way to keep your employees in top form is to invest in office ergonomics. Proper office ergonomics will keep everyone in top working form.

Improvement in Employee Engagement – Office ergonomics will reduce turnover, lessen absenteeism, boost morale, and increase employee involvement. Also, employees will appreciate that the company that they work for is working so hard to see to their safety and health.

Safety Culture – Investing in ergonomics shows your company is committed to health and safety. Your workers are your most valuable asset and keeping them healthy and safe is good business and the right thing to do.

You can refer to the following three textbooks for detailed information:

1. Office Ergonomics Practical solutions for a safer workplace-2002

2. Office Ergonomics Practical Applications-2007

3. Office ergonomics and human factors practical applications-2018


1. Office Ergonomics

2. The Importance of Ergonomics in the Office


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