After the financial crisis, energy saving and carbon reducing become common. Oil and electric cars or electric cars are becoming into the future trend. Gas-electric hybrid vehicles have become the best-selling cars in Japan this year. On the Tokyo Motor Show, Toyota Motor Corporation, on the same time when its small hybrid car Prius achieves great success, will also expand its hybrid vehicle lineup and push the hybrid cars into high-end.
Although the trend of electric cars can be seen now, if they would take one place in tens of millions of vehicles in the global automotive market and come into the average family, there is still a long way to go. But with the rise of environmental consciousness of all countries, particularly developed countries, electric cars have a prospect. If governments actively support on more investment in the popularity of the charging infrastructure, perhaps in the near future electric cars will be seen everywhere all over the world.
Thomas Edison strongly advocated a large production of cell vehicles a century ago. Although they failed ultimately in competition with gasoline vehicles, Tortoise and the Hare competition between cell vehicles and gasoline vehicles continued to be the centuries and turtles have finally seen the dawn of victory recently.

The conceptual electronic car

June 8, 2009 Vienna, Austria, Daimler, Germany first put its fuel cell hybrid and big bus "Citaro FuelCELL Hybrid" in public.
2009年6月8日德国戴姆勒在奥地利维也纳全球首次公开燃料电池混合动力大巴士“Citaro FuelCELL Hybrid”。
There have been three big problems to promote electric vehicles. One is vehicle speed, second life and the third charge (or power-up) time. These three issues are all relative to battery. Since the electric motor and vehicle transmission technologies are developed, electric car battery technology becomes the major technical obstacle.
Vehicle replacement is difficult only relying on the promotion of some companies, even if Toyota or a giant company like General Motors is still beyond the capacity. There must be government support on heavy investment with other social sectors. In this regard, Tokyo, Japan walks once again at the forefront.
The electric car introduced by Toyota
In addition to the general passenger electric car, buses become popular all-electric in Japan. The three major bus manufacturers Hino, Isuzu and Mitsubishi FUSO are beginning to try to produce electric buses, hoping to achieve practical application within two years.

Hybrid Japan
The Tokyo Motor Show Toyota hybrid Prius, obtaining this award
Nissan electric vehicle with batteries “Leaf”
Nissan conceptual all-electric car Land Glider
日产的全电概念车Land Glider
Mitsubishi Motors’s electric car i-MiEV
Some traditional concepts of the car were upside down. The electric car combines Internet, mobile phones and other functions. Leaf can use the iPhone to enable or disable air-conditioning and other facilities in the car, and can be remotely controlled to understand the remaining capacity of the battery. Owners via the Internet "global data centers" know car information about their status and location and can be able to remotely control some features of the car.
October 2 this year, the Tesla Roadster car on the 4th AltCar Expo in Los Angeles, up to 125 kilometers per hour and fly 244 kilometers.
今年10月2日在第4届洛杉矶AltCar Expo上的Tesla Roadster车,时速可达一百二十五公里,续航能力二百四十四公里。
Roadster cars on display, Tesla Flagship Store in Los Angeles
Some other electric hybrid cars:
Toyota new hybrid car SAI
Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid
丰田的插电式油电混合动力Prius Plug-in Hybrid
Honda conceptual hybrid car CR-Z
Honda conceptual hybrid car SkyDeck
Mitsubishi conceptual plug-in hybrid car Concept PX-MiEV
三菱插电式油电混合概念车Concept PX-MiEV
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