I am always concerning with the event these days especially this weekend. All of us are with sad feelings. The memorial service was arranged at about 9 this morning in the Funeral Parlor. And there are some improving things today after a severe and hot discussion all over the Internet.
For the reason that everyone knows, after a hot reporting of this event the next day on many different mass media, such as local newspapers, TV news and door Internet stations, all the local mass media shut off to say anything about the deeper improvement. But all the cyber people became so angry with such phenomenon. They organized to express their anger to the relative government departments how to deal with such a thing. What people called into question was that why right, power and money always surpass law. Only a notice of stopping reporting from the propaganda department could manipulate all the media becoming dumb! The media really have not the freedom any more.
Under the high pressure of the Internet, the government must do something to the public or how it can make the situation stable which is the most important environment in China. As we all know, the news should not be blocked while be dredged. After the instruction of the Major to check up the traffic accident to the end and punish the troublemaker severely, all the media became alive to report the event again which got to the headlines of the newspapers.
You can see the detailed information on the hot local BBS 19lou: http://www.19lou.com.
视频:母亲节杭城万人洒泪陪谭母送子 富家子弟飙车肇事者遭遇刑拘
You know that on May 8th, the local traffic department reported the initial situation to the public which triggered great debate on the Internet and among the local people. While in the report, what expressed us most was that the car speed of the red roadster was only 70 ma and many people talked about this speed. 70 ma becomes a new and populating Internet word. Of course you know it is so ironical a phrase to some government departments. What’s more, some people saw the economic chance coming and designed a few patterns of styles to the T-shirt and published to the Internet shop to be sold. You can see some of them as follows. And you can see these Internet shops on Taobao.com in detail.
70码T恤 团购 纪念谭卓(已下架)

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