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Adding MPC-HC Decoder Into KMPlayer To Play Some AVI Video Files

You know AVI video files are with many various decoding formats. Though KMPlayer is a universal playing tool which can play many video and audio formats, I met the situation that it did not play effectively with the picture obscure and could not be seen clearly. I think it might be the problem of the decoder of the AVI file and the internal decoders of KMPlayer do not support it. But I have been using this tool for long and do not install some others. I have known Storm has the ability to solve the problem. How do I deal with it?

You know that you can expand the decoders of KMPlayer with some outer plugs. Here you can do like this to handle. MPC-HC is a good player with a lot of internal decoders. Then you can use its decoder MPCVideoDec file to pour into the registry as the following steps.

1. Go to the home page of MPC-HC to download its MPCVideoDec file here ClickMedownload or My SkyDrive.

1、到MPC-HC的主页download它的MPCVideoDec ClickMedownload or My SkyDrive.

2. Unpack to the place you like.


3. Then register this file. What? Do not know how to register? (Using cmd to switch to the place you unpack that file and press in regsvr32 MPCVideodec.ax)

3、然后当然就要注册这个MPCVideoDec.ax! 什么? 不会注册?(用cmd切换到解压目录然后键入regsvr32 MPCVideodec.ax

4. Then adding the decoding option of MPCVideodec into your KMPlayer. See the following snap:



If the above command is in effect and here appears MPC- Video decoder, then add it.

如果之前的命令生效,这里就会出现这个MPC- Video decoder,添加它.

5. Change the choosing items in the picture to MPC-Video decoder.

5、在外部解码器中把图中相应的选项改为MPC-Video decoder.


6. Pay attention that do not choose the relative items in internal decoder options.



Web source Reference: [图]Crossover!? Kmplayer + MPC-HC Decoder = Potplayer !? (Kmplayer 硬解新发现!)


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