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Windows Live SkyDrive Declare The Next Update, Supporting China

Even more free online storage
It will bring the grand total to 25 GB of free online storage.
More control over our online data
Four key new features to address our needs:
Download photos directed to our Windows Live Photo Gallery.
Download as a .zip file. Download an entire folder in one compressed file (initially available only in the United States, Denmark, and Ireland).
Move files between folders.
Copy files to multiple folders.
Photos rule!
It will add over 20 new features, improvements, and tweaks to make photos pop on SkyDrive. Here are a few of our favorites:
Bigger thumbnails.  Increasing the display size of our photos throughout the site.
Order prints. Order prints of our photos right from SkyDrive.
A gorgeous online slide show. Works with any browser, but works even better if you have Microsoft Silverlight installed.
People tags. Tag your friends and family.
Sharing should be easy
It has dramatically renovated the sharing experience to make it easier to share the stuff we care about.
·Share our files and photos without requiring friends and family to use Windows Live ID.
·Organize our contacts by category for easy repeat sharing, or share with our entire network or extended network.
·Share links to our favorite websites using Windows Live Toolbar. The links are stored on our SkyDrive.
·See what our friends have shared lately all in one place.
Plus much, much more
Hold tight, it will update our SkyDrive sooner than we know it with dozens more improvements. Things like:
·Keep our Internet Explorer favorites in sync between computers, and access them anywhere from our SkyDrive.
·Make comments work the way we want them to with HTML, new comment options, and spam control.
·A complete overhaul of the look and feel to match the look and feel of Windows Live.
·More countries and regions: Arabia, China, Hong Kong, Israel, South Africa, Vietnam and 13 new languages: Basque, Catalan, Guajarati, Hindi, Indonesian, Kannada, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Serbian-Cyrillic, Tamil, Telugu, and Vietnamese.
更大的存储空间– 25GB免费在线存储空间
从Windows Live Photo Gallery中直接下载照片
People Tags
通过Windows Live ID共享文件和照片
通过Windows Live Toolbar来收藏用户喜欢的链接,这些链接被存储于SkyDrive
保持Internet Explorer收藏夹与Windows Live SkyDrive的同步
更多国家:Arabia, China, Hong Kong, Israel, South Africa, Vietnam以及13种新语言版本:Basque, Catalan, Guajarati, Hindi, Indonesian, Kannada, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Serbian-Cyrillic, Tamil, Telugu, 和 Vietnamese
(From Windows Live SkyDrive team blog: Our next update)

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